Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Verona and Venice!

Finally I have something new to blog about! I've done a few little things in the past week or so that haven't been interesting enough to post a whole blog about, like the chocolate festival and seeing the David sculpture. Both really awesome things, but not enough to make a blog post. 
  This past weekend was different though! I took a trip to Verona on Valentines Day for the St. Valentines festival they have there and it was called Verona in Love. It was a lot of fun! We took a tour around the city and saw some pretty amazing things, and it was really beautiful there. We saw one of the oldest and best kept coliseums,

 We also say Juliets' house,balcony, and courtyard where I wrote a letter to her just like in the movie Letters to Juliet, and many other things.

 There was SO much chocolate it was also a very delicious trip :) I do not have many pictures from the festival because it started raining pretty hard, but it was still very fun!

On Sunday, I went to Venice for Carnival. It was really amazing! 
We took a bus as close as we could get to the city and then had to take a boat to get to the middle area because Venice is an island.

There were these really elaborate costumes and masks and everyone was so in to this celebration which made it even better!

I got very in to it as well and got my own mask! Of course.. pink and sparkles:) 

 I went to a glass blowing demonstration and saw how they make vases and cups, it was interesting to see. I guess there is no actual school for learning how to make the glass, fathers will teach their sons and eventually when they become "masters" they take over for their father. 
Venice is one of my favorite places so far, it was so interesting and different because the "streets" were more like alley ways and then every couple of minutes you were going over bridges where the gondolas would pass under!
I did not do much sight seeing in Venice because I am going back for a whole weekend in March with my school, it will be a totally different experience then because I will be learning and seeing the historical things where as this weekend was just about Carnival. So, there will be another post in a couple weeks with more to see about Venice!

This coming up weekend I will be in Rome! It is the first overnight trip I take and I am going with the school so it will be fun to be with a big group of people from Kent:)

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