Monday, March 2, 2015

Eiffel In Love With Paris

How bad is it that I actually did not want to come back to Italy after this weekend? Ha!

Paris was amazing!! I had so much fun in that huge city with my friends, I wish I could have stayed longer. We got to do everything that was on our list, but it was not everything Paris had to offer, thats for sure. We were all still in Italian mode- I don't even know how many times I accidentally said "graze" or "ciao" to someone.. it probably would have been better for me just to say "thank you" or "hello" rather than anything in Italian… But it was a very different experience!

Our trip started at 3:40am on Friday when we had to jump on a bus to the Pisa airport that took about an hour and then boarded our flight at 6:45am to Paris. When we landed, we had to take another hour long bus ride to get to the city from the airport we landed it. We were exhausted, but way excited to even try to sleep.  The bus dropped us off near a metro entrance and we were able to navigate ourselves to our hostel.. we were not very confident about where we were going or how any of it worked but we made it just fine! I was really proud of all of us, we did not get lost at all during this trip , and the route we decided to take to places was the one that got us to our destination! We did very well for not having any clue what to do!

Our hostel was pretty nice, luckily we did not have to share a room with anyone else, it was just us 4 in the room. They also had free breakfast! I am all about free these days :)

After checking in there, we found ourselves at Chipotle… I know, I know- I was in Paris, France and ate Chipotle… but I've really been craving it and it sounded SO good after all that traveling! It was different than the ones at home, but still delicious. This held me over till the next morning, I did not even need to eat dinner!

After we were done we walked around and decided to find The Louvre. We just walked and walked straight and luckily stumbled upon it!! It was so cool:) I took the typical touristy picture and we went inside. It was free for students to tour it which was nice. There were so many paths to take, like if you wanted to see Roman things you went to the left or Greek things you went to the right and there was SO much, it was huge! We took the path that lead you to the Mona Lisa, there were signs pointing which way to go to get to her, so it was almost like a maze! Along the way there was a lot of beautiful art, the style of these pieces were a lot different from what I have been seeing around Italy.

We had such good luck while we were there, it was not crowded at all and we were able to get right up to the Mona Lisa to take pictures! I've heard that that is not very normal and that it is usually really packed in that room. Its crazy to think that something I have seen in movies and books all my life was right in front of me!
We were there for a good hour or so and did not even see half of all the stuff that was in there, but we decided to leave and go see a movie! (We needed something relaxing to do so we found an American theater). The movie ended and we walked around for a while and stopped in some shops and then called it a night. As soon as my head hit my pillow I was out!

On Saturday morning, we had breakfast and then started our day with a trip to the Eiffel Tower! It was awesome! We paid to walk up to the first 2 levels and it was really high up, it made me a little nervous but it was so worth it when we got up there! The view was great, you saw the huge city and far in to the distance. We didn't go all the way to the top, though, because 1- it cost more, and 2- we had all we needed to see from those levels:)

Next we stopped for lunch, I had some hot chocolate and a crepe! After that, we made our way to Notre Dame.We went in and it was beautiful, there were huge chandeliers and stained glass windows, really beautiful. I am so happy that we waited in the line to go in there.

We continued walking and found ourselves at the love lock bridge! I was so surprised to see that it was uncovered, I heard that they covered it so no more locks would be put on because it was getting too heavy and that they are going to be cut off soon.

After that we went to the Palace of Versailles, and made it all the way there to find out it was not open and we were not allowed to go in, but it was still cool to see from the outside.. I really wish we were able to go in.

We headed back to the Eiffel Tower so we could see it all lit up, and it was well worth it! It was a totally different sight to see at night than when we saw it during the day!

Next we went to dinner at a pretty nice place, and I made up for eating Chipotle and I decided to try Escargot…. I didn't know how to eat it, so the waitress had to help me get it out of the shell and stuff haha! and then I ate it and the best way to describe it was slimy and salty… but it did not taste bad, it was covered in this garlic sauce and so I tasted that, but it was just weird that I ate snail.. It was good, but I am content never to have it again in my life:) We also got macaroons! They were gelato macaroons.. SO good!

Sunday morning we had breakfast and then left the hostel to start our travels back to Florence. I was not ready to leave! Paris is somewhere I do plan to travel back to, such an amazing and big city- I want more!!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Sounds like you accomplished a ton in a short time.
    xoxo Mom
