Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Greece-ster break! :)

I know, I know- the titles of my blogs are just getting better and better.. Instead of Easter Break-Greece-ster Break.. its perfect!!:)

We went on this trip through a student travel company, so there was a huge group of people with us. We left Thursday morning for a 4 hour bus ride to the coast and then got on a cruise/ferry boat for a 17 hour trip to get to Greece. When we got there, it was another hour and a half ferry ride to get to the island, Corfu, where our hostel was. SO. MUCH. TRAVELING.
We got there Friday afternoon and we were just exhausted, but luckily we got to do the most relaxing thing ever- lay in the sun on the beach:) We were really lucky with the weather, all week I had been checking it for the weekend and it said it was going to be rainy and cold- but turns out it was nice enough to be in shorts- I even got sun burnt!(Even though thats not a very difficult thing.. I was very pale) And some people were even swimming!!  We spent the rest of the afternoon on the beach and then headed back and got ready for dinner at the hostel.

All of the food was very good, and most of the time I was so hungry I forgot to take pictures.. Ha! But I did take a picture of this awesome baklava :)
The next day we had to wake up pretty early to go sign up for any activities we wanted to do. There was a boat ride along the island, kayaking, and other things and we decided on the ATV tour around the island. It was a little cooler on Saturday so being on land sounded like the better option! We rode about 2 hours up a mountain and stopped at a beautiful area for lunch that had a great view of the island.

I guess Corfu is a vacation destination, so a lot of people have summer homes here. So, the population doubles when summer comes around! 

After our lunch we rode back down and stopped for a little bit at a cafe where I got some Greek coffee, it was very different- I've never had a coffee that had texture to it, it was very gritty and you aren't suppose to drink it all the way because at the bottom was clumps of the coffee. Very different!

That night we had another great dinner and it was Toga Night! We were given pink togas because we were at the Pink Palace :) My friends and I had a hard time trying to figure out how to tie a toga.. and the wifi was terrible so we could not look it up- but eventually we figured something out and they turned out really cute! After the dinner, there were greek dancers and plate smashing!!
I loved Greece! I can't wait to go back some day and explore the other islands:)


  1. I have wanted to go to Greece nearly my entire life, I think because I grew up with four Greek families on my street. Lucky you! Hope you learned how to pronounce Gyro correctly. HaHa.

    1. Ha! I just chose not to say it in front of any Greek people.. Just in case!
