Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Lickety- Split of a Weekend!

Okay, so this title wasn't as clever as my past ones- but I didn't have many options about Split, Croatia!

This past weekend was amazing, just like all the others- Croatia was the entire package.. History, beaches, adventurous things,shopping,good food and nature.. what more could I have asked for for my last trip during my time studying abroad?!

The worst part was the bus ride, we left on Thursday night and drove for 12 hours to get there the next morning. After we got settled in to our hostel we joined a walking tour that took us around Split. I learned that the region we were in was  Dalmatia and that is where the Dalmatian dogs came from- but I didn't see any there:(

The tour led us around the town and then to the Roman emperors palace that was built there. It doesn't really look much like a palace anymore, souvenir stores and restaurants have been built in to the walls and throughout the palace. Some areas are still available to tour through though, I didn't get the chance to do that unfortunately, but we did go through the public areas and it was really cool- these ancient walls and rooms still standing.

So, apparently if you go up to this guy and touch his toe and make a wish it will come true!

After that finished, we went and had some dinner and I tried their special lemon beer, it just tasted like lemonade but was really good! After that we went back to the hostel because we were exhausted.

The next morning we woke up early and took about an hour bus ride to get to the river where we shot wetsuits on and our life jackets and helmets and went on our way whitewater rafting! Before we got to the rapids I was dared to jump in the water because a lot of people were, and of course I did! And regretted it immediately because the water was FREEZING!! Ha! After that, we were in the sun most of the time and the wetsuit helped a lot.    The ride lasted about 2 and a half hours and we went through a few rapids, got to drink from a freshwater waterfall that was directly from the mountains ( I closed my eyes and pretended to be at the cottage drinking from the spring). We went under a waterfall and then had the chance to climb to the top of a big rock and jump into the water, I didn't do it because I did not want to get back in to that freezing water and Ive been cliff jumping before but from much higher heights so I don't think I missed out on anything:) After that, they gave us a lunch and we were able to buy a disk with all of the pictures that the guy in a kayak took of us so thats nice!

We got back to our hostel pretty late so we just got some dinner and went to sleep!

The next day was another early morning! We took about a 2 hour bus ride to the Krka national park. It was absolutely breathtaking, you could see straight to the bottom the water was so clear and then the park around it was beautiful as well. I could have sat there and just watched the waterfall for hours!

After some lunch we left for another long bus ride back to Florence.

I can't believe how fast the time has gone and that I am already done with all the trips I planned, its crazy!

I finish classes tomorrow(Thursday) and then have my only final on Monday and then I have finished my junior year of college and my study abroad semester!

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