Monday, April 20, 2015

Just Another Manic Monday.. And a weekend trip with gerMANY beers:)

I can not take credit for this posts awesome name.. my parents helped me with this one:)

I thought I would make a video of my normal Monday! So, this shows my walk to the first school building and I go up to the Library. Then, I head to my second school building which is next to Santa Croce! My classrooms are in there and then in between classes I go to Pino's, its the BEST panino place in Florence- I love it! And after that, of course Gelato! Im sorry its so bumpy but I had to fast forward it or the video would be like a half hour haha but I tried

So, I spent last weekend in Stuttgart, Germany with my friend Julia! She was a foreign exchange student in Amherst about three years ago and I was able to go and stay with her and her family for the weekend! It was great:) Stuttgart was beautiful, it was so nice to see green trees and grass- you don't see much of there here in Florence. My plane ride there was scary.. the plane was so tiny I felt every bit of turbulence :/ But when I landed, Julia was waiting to pick me up and we went to her house for some lunch. I tried Maultaschen ? (don't ask me to pronounce it) but it was delicious:)
And then I had a German beer that tasted like sparkling lemonade :)

Julias mom had a brunch on Saturday morning with some great food too!

After that we went Dirndl shopping! That is what the typical dresses that you think of when you think of German outfits are called. I love mine!

Saturday was the festival and this thing was HUGE! You walked in and through so many stands of food and games and there were a bunch of rides, it was great! Then there was a huge tent where the concert and stuff there, it was so much fun:) Everyone was so happy and it was just great!

Then, we got these huge beers-that the waitresses were carrying four of these in each hand at a time and taking them to the tables.. My hand was hurting just holding the one and I had to use two hands! It was so huge that when I would drink it,it would cover my while face and I kept having to wipe the foam off of my forehead! Ha!
Another great trip:)
On Thursday I will be headed to Croatia!

I am so excited that the next plane ride I will be on will be the one that takes me back home!! 19 more days:)

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