Wednesday, January 7, 2015

  So- after an 8hr flight to Frankfurt, Germany, a 3hr layover, and another 1 1/2 hr plane ride I've finally made it to Florence! I haven't done much at all besides make it to my apartment but I thought I should make a quick post about my travels. Dana: the airline food was pretty good- I took a picture for you:)

 Sleeping on the plane was so difficult so I took advantage of the layover. (pic from my roommate)

We flew over the Alps which was the coolest thing to see from above!

Finally, my apartment. It for sure gives you the feel of Italian living..

More pictures to come soon.. I am going to unpack my suitcase and take a nap!


  1. Hey Natalie, you made it! Yea! The apartment looks the view. That's Italy! Can't wait to read about your adventures. Have a blast. Oh, and yeah, study and all that. Blah, blah, blah. Nah, just learn from the world. (This is Aunt Laura, by the way, not your mom. Not sure why google has identified me as "Mom".)

  2. I still cannot believe you are in Florence! And I cannot wait to see all the beautiful things that are surrounding you. Just know that everything you see and do, it's for all of your friends and family too. Because I am living vicariously through you;) I miss you so much and I am sending kisses from 4,479 miles away (so they may take a while to get there) Love you Nat <3
