Thursday, January 1, 2015

My First Post!

Hello everyone!!
  This is the blog that I will be posting in during the time I'm studying abroad in Florence, Italy! I am not in Italy yet, I still have 5 more days in the US, but I just wanted to post something to make sure everything works on here for when I actually have some interesting things to post in a week or so. I will be there from January 6th- May 10th, and not just Florence- I plan on doing as much traveling to the surrounding areas as I can. So, even though this is called the "Florence Files" it is more like the "Florence And Wherever Else I Find Myself In These Next 5 Months Files" :)
  I am sure my blogs will be filled with grammatical errors (sorry Dana and Jenn) but they will also be full of the fun things I do, delicious things I eat, and beautiful places I see so you guys can see what I am up to.

So here is a picture of Florence I found on Pinterest since I do not have any of my own yet.. just making sure it works!
I can't wait to start my trip so I can start blogging!  Traveling the world is just a plus;)

Love, Natalie


  1. I love the pictures Natalie! Looks like a beautiful place to live for awhile. I can't wait to see more! Love ya, Mom
