Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Favorite Find!

  So, there hasn't been anything that exciting happening here in the past few days. Just little things that are exciting for my friends and I, like our first trip to the grocery store. That is an experience in itself! We were in there for a while trying to figure out things like which milk is the skim milk, if it is detergent or softener, and if it says salt or sugar..basically just what anything says! So it was an interesting experience to say the least!
  I started classes yesterday, they went well! I am taking Italian 1, a culture in education class (where I do my field experience), Educational Psychology, and an online math class. I have all 3 classes on Monday, and just one  Tuesday- Thursday! Classes here aren't very different, the only thing that is weird is the size of my classes. My Italian class is a full class with about 20 of us, my culture ed class has 6 people, and my Ed Psych class has 2.. it is just me, my roommate and the teacher.. weird! Its okay though, because it turned in to an independent study course since its just the 2 of us and we only have to meet once a week! The teachers and advisors I have are really great, I think this semester will go well:)
  I don't have any pictures of any new food I've eaten because we stopped going out (besides breakfast, I can not pass up the croissants) and started cooking here! It is so much fun! We made a pizza, pasta, caprese sandwich's, and some baked chicken. I am going to be an awesome cook when I come home!

I do, however, have a picture of the best invention ever- it will save college students/anyone everywhere!
Pocket Coffee.. It is a small shot of espresso in a chocolate nugget. They wake me up and are delicious! Favorite find so far..

Tonight we are going to make some ravioli, and then go volunteer at The Misericordia. We are going to see how Italians charity works:)
Fino a domani!


  1. While you are grocery shopping, try to find a product called Sal de Ibiza for me. It's a Spanish sea salt. (Yes, I know you are in Italy, not Spain, but you are closer to Spain than I am, and they might carry it.) I will try to send you a picture of it. It says "con Flores" on the label also.

    Do you ever read any of my comments?

    1. And yes I read all of the comments!! At first I didn't see any because I wasn't getting notifications that there were comments, so I never remembered to look! I figured out how to be notified, though, so Ill see them when they are posted:)

    2. I will look for it! I saved the name of it in my phone, if it is not here I plan to travel to Spain anyways so I will look there, too!

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